Whitney Orthodontics Advises on the Best and Worst Snacks for Braces

Whitney Orthodontics Advises on the Best and Worst Snacks for BracesThe Best (and Worst) Snacks for Braces

We know that getting braces is a big change in your daily life (with an exciting payoff in the end!), but the hardware and subsequent photos of you aren’t where the change ends. To properly take care of your braces, you will need to adjust your food choices, as well. Whether you’re a new patient or just need a refresher, here is our list of safe and harmful snacks when it comes to your braces.

Foods to Avoid: Steer clear of foods that will bend or break your braces with their hard consistency, get stuck in hardware with their stickiness, or that require you to bite through with your front teeth, which can easily disengage front brackets.


Whole nuts


Hard or sticky candy

Ice (fine in drinks, but not to chew!)

Hard pretzels

Corn chips or hard taco shells

Raw fruits like apples

Raw vegetables like carrots

Crusty bread

Corn on the cob


Jerky or other tough meats

Foods to Enjoy: There are still a lot of foods in the same categories as above that you can enjoy with braces! A varied, nutritious and delicious diet is still quite possible.

Hulless popcorn


Soft fruits like peaches, pears, melon or grapes


Crumbly crackers and cheese

Corn off of the cob

Crumbly cookies

Mashed potatoes

Nut butters on toast

Noodle and pasta dishes

Ground beef or roasted fish

If you have any other questions, give us a call at (770) 945-2015. We’d love to help